Friday 30 October 2015

Cancer Research

Readers and supporters please continue to educate your selves' A library of knowledge is better than billfold of cash!

My story is rather disturbing, and so are the thousands of individuals who have been constantly tortured with electromagnetic wave, electronic waves auorora waves etc.So much corruption goes on in the "Filthy chamber of Canada  and USA", baffling to the mind!

Scientists, pharmaceutics, NASA, doctors, dentists Navy, Seal etc.are all tangled in a web of deceit!
They are illegally using us, the people, as Human guinea pigs in their torture program for profit.

I am now 62 years old, when I was 33 years old I had a myeomectomy at Brigham and woman Hospital, Boston MA. unknown to me the criminal doctors put a tracking device behind my pubic bone along with transmitters and transformers and implanted a battery in my heart, Higgs Boson in my lower left abdominal quadrant, A Rocket lies transversely in my stomach and several other anomalies,

My old life began to change I could not figure out why I was beeping whenever I enter a department store, why I was hit in my sleep to the point where I was limping and why some neighbors chose to harass me.

I moved to Toronto Canada, and this is where the torture become progressively worst, making my life a living hell! My personal home became a "deck of cards", and I was the chip they played! Everyone thugs were allowed entrance in my home during my absence including police officers! Stealing and customizing documents; including my Canadian Passport and change my place of birth to India!

 As recently as 2012 my ex dentist, from Victoria Park Scarborough, injected a serum in my gum Immediately I felt the "change of state" I asked what it was that she gave me? She told me it came from the city the Government sent it for me. I was teased as "Miss Tuskegee" Squirrel monkey etc.

Over the years she had injected several chemicals and bacterial substances in my teeth via fillings to the point where my teeth began to turn yellow and break off. government and agents, doctors researchers old my medical information to other countries. I became a slave, a "Targeted" for research purposes; a gain for Elites: big companies, such as electric company, telephone companies Scientist, Austronaut  psychiatrist etc.  most of the research done by NCBI, NIH have been done on me without my consent. Including the "LIVATATION Project" which is a behavioral based program, that dictates your life including bathroom privileges; I have been told with whom to have sex and what kind of sexual acts I should perform

I simply refused to adhere to the command! I was told that if I do not I will be severely punished and burn alive focusing on my vaginal area.. The RFID Chips or Veri Chips oozes chemicals in my body causing my entire body to burn including kidneys, heart, liver. And in the meantime I am hit with microwave torture.  My neighbours are to add to the torture by hitting the walls day and night. It doesn't matter what corner I hide in, sleep on the bathroom floor; my neighbors know exactly where to hit the wall. I learn that there is such a thing as a has a hand held detector that allows you to look through walls; It is often used by police and military!

They hook up my water supply, my fridge, stove, furniture, stole my car, change the doors, did some faulty wiring and made it a junk car; This car has heat radiating through the seat of the car again burning my vagina, and heat coming from the back burning up my kidneys.

I called the police several times to rectify the problem but they were informed that whenever I called they should take me and put me on the psyche ward.  These were the instructions given to then by the Chief of Police. Bill Blair!

In March 2014 I was accosted by police and removed from my home and put on the psyche ward where by I was held down twice and drugged. Weighing 112 lbs they have over dosed me. The first drug was given with an extremely fine needle the doctor would not say what it is. but it dries out my throat nostrils and I could hardly breathe or stand, The second was 150mg of ambilify, It felt more like a nerve agent because I shook for at least three weeks, shaky!

Currently and for the past 4 or five years I noticed that new windows have been installed in my home and no one will say how these criminals got into my home to installed these windows except that they were installed in 1993. I bought my house in 1991 and definitely those are not the windows. These windows have metal strip with a "Diamond Symbol" IGMAC CK Seal (Miss) 1993
I did some research and realized that the diamond shape symbol correspond to the code 1993 that represent carcinogen.. I am gravely ill with a low blood count, therefore  I can clearly see that "IG"
=1g of the cancer causing agent. I called the company and its out of business. Called and write to the minister of health and he did not return my call.

I fear for my life; The weapons that my neighbours are using have become more sophisticated. On October 6,2015 one neighbour hit the wall an instantaneously I was hit in the head to the point that my tongue jaw and lips became numb, I staggered and could not speak. How can that be possible? Well I learn that it has to do with proton carry a positive charge, if one side of the wall have carbon atom and electron (Can someone explain please and thank you)


Hillary Eloise Coombs

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